After a year of demos, an even longer stretch of writing, and five months of recording, work on Glenn Simmons' debut solo record is almost over. Final mixes are being approved, mastering is happening soon and with some sadness, we've moved out of Stagehouse Studio in St. Phillips. On the next-to-last day of recording last week, Glenn's wife, Lillian, shot this rare March rainbow over Conception Bay from the window in the control room. We saw it as a good omen. Many thanks to Paul Fowler and Darrell Power of Stagehouse for their support and hospitality, the lady who works at the convenience store up the road, the guy who drives the snowplow, and all the lovely people of St. Phillips who knew "something was going on out at the end of Thorpe's Rd".
Glenn Simmons, Paul Kinsman, Justin Merdsoy, Paul "Boomer" Stamp, Chris Ledrew, Billy Sutton, Romano Di Nillo, Cory Tetford and Byron Pardy.
Looking forward to it!